Angel of Death Series

Dead on Arrival

When you die, your guardian angel appears next to your soul and escorts you to Heaven. Usually. If an Angel of Death is also required, they show up and do the job.


Rhodes was a twenty-something part-time librarian. Jericho was a three-thousand-something full-time avenging angel.

Classic boy meets girl.

But now Heaven is recruiting a new Grim Reaper in the battle of Good versus Evil. Rhodes has to learn the ropes before the legions of Hell attack.

However, his trainer is serving a penance for conduct unbecoming an angel. His would-be recruiter unwittingly drops a house on him. And a jealous angel is gunning for him in a lethal love triangle.

When you die you go to Heaven, instead of becoming a Grim Reaper, escorting souls to Heaven, falling in love, and battling demons.


Purchase your copy today! Want to read more first? Read the first chapter here!

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Harvest Moon

Demons are ambushing the Avenging Angels operating near the Nexus. Rhodes rescues Jericho, but he must immediately return to the fray. The supernatural battle spills over into mortal awareness, and two key humans are endangered. Just another day in the afterlife.

But even more trouble is brewing, and time is short for the Forces of Good to prepare. Norse, Greek, Australian and Chinese myths are alive, lending their support. Exceptional humans are being trained and equipped, and some with second sight are already on the front lines. Then Rhodes’s allies have to leave him, and his new task is to convince a score of stubborn spirits to move on to their eternal reward.

Meanwhile, Hell sends waves of agents to sew confusion and destruction, and Rhodes works with a sensitive named Elaine to locate the enemy so he can confront them. Forewarned is forearmed, but awareness may not be enough. The Forces of Evil start searching for Rhodes and his Seer specifically. Even if help is on the way, it may not arrive in time.

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